Pre-Employment Screening (PES)

Your people are your greatest asset, so you need the best team driving your business forward.

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Pre-Employment Screening (PES) PES checks

The consequences of poor hiring decisions

Hiring the wrong candidate can be detrimental for your business. It can mean your business is running with less motivated and productive staff, which will naturally result in a loss of revenue and profits.  

While filling a position as quickly as possible might seem like a good idea, taking the time to properly vet your candidates reduces the chance of burning out your current employees.

It is estimated that the cost of a bad hire can cost a company at least 30% of the employee’s annual salary


Protect your organisation with our PES solutions

Knowing who you’re hiring is crucial to maintaining your business’ integrity.  

The consequences of a bad hire aren’t just financial, but this decision can also cost your business its reputation as well.  

With our PES tools, you can protect your business from both financial risk and internal fraud, and safeguard your existing employees from the impact of a bad hire.  

Pre-Employment Screening (PES) PES checks

Let our PES suite do the hard work for you 

It’s within all businesses’ interest to conduct background checks on potential hires.  

You need to know they are who they say they are, and they have a right to work in your country. But, doing it as thoroughly as is required for optimum safety and security of your business can be tedious and repetitive.  

Our PES suite helps hiring managers and HR professionals to access a range of integrated background checks to ensure compliance.

With the ability to efficiently screen candidates and filter out anyone unsuitable, we can help to fill your vacancies with quality talent, in as short of a timeframe as possible.

Pre-Employment Screening (PES) PES checks

Our PES suite

Our PES technology gives you access to a number of handy features that will make your screening process as efficient as possible, including:

ID Checks

For a detailed analysis and assessment of your potential hires, use our ID checking tool. This can help to verify and validate any identification details a candidate has shared with you.

The core capabilities include: 

  • ID check – validates identification and address  
  • Global ID verification 
  • UK address verification 
  • Bank account verification 

Learn more about our ID check solutions

Adverse financial check

Our adverse financial check feature enables you to perform the required due diligence checks to stop potential fraud in its tracks.  

The core capabilities include: 

  • CCJ check 
  • Bankruptcies screening 

Explore more about our credit screen features

Criminal records check

Having full insight into who each potential hire is, and their criminal record history is key.

Certify their disclosures with our rapid criminal records check tool and add an extra barrier against potential security risks.  

The core capabilities include: 

  • Basic disclosure checks 
  • Standard disclosure checks 
  • Enhanced disclosure checks 

Explore more about our online DBS checks

Protect your business with our versatile and adaptable API 

Trust our API to protect your business from risk of potential fraud and financial risk. Bringing together multiple SaaS applications in one place, we can help to streamline and enhance your recruitment processes, reducing your downtime significantly.  

Our PES suite can be seamlessly integrated with your HR systems to provide you with detailed and up-to-date information on any potential hires you are deliberating over.  

You can use the tools to verify and validate identification, addresses and documents, screen for owed debts, conduct DBS checks, and much more.