Director Check

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Director Check pre employment checks

Before taking on a new employee, it’s crucial to get a fuller picture of their career background. And with senior, leadership and other positions of power, such as Director, it’s important to understand how the candidate has previously led as a director (if they have!), and whether they’re eligible to apply for your vacancy. And our Director Check can help.

Enabling you to meet compliance requirements, and streamlining the onboarding of your newest team member, our Director Check has many benefits.

Our Director check

The aim of our Director Check is to search for active directorships held by a UK candidate at the address entered. In doing this, we search for any limitations on a candidate’s ability to take on this position at your firm, whether that be because of previous disqualifications, or being barred from being a director—temporarily or permanently.

The screening enables you to gain additional confirmation of identity and residence, as well as screening for potential conflicts of interest, minimising risk of bad actors impacting your organisation.

Director Check pre employment checks

Our PES solutions suite

The pre-employment screening process can be one of the first indicators a candidate has as to how well organised and streamlined your business processes are—and sets the scene for how smoothly their employment might run with you. So, it’s critical to get it right.

With our PES solutions suite, you can rest assured you’ll be streamlining the process, while adhering to regulations and compliance requirements. Whether you need to run criminal record checks, conduct adverse media checks, or carry out a simple identity check, we can help to give you the peace of mind you need.

Director Check pre employment checks

Streamline employee onboarding with our versatile API

The employee onboarding experience can be a make-or-break for many companies, so it’s crucial to make it as smooth, simple, and quick as possible.

Our Director Check can be implemented as a standalone check or within your wider compliance processes. No matter what you choose, our experts can help you to get started with seamless integration into your existing systems, to ensure all your compliance checks are in one place.

Director Check pre employment checks