Compliance technology for crypto

Protect your crypto firm and meet compliance standards.

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Compliance solutions for crypto

The crypto sector has seen promising growth over the past couple of years. But as it continues to become more popular, the opportunities criminals have to manipulate it and carry out money laundering crimes grow with it. 

Our compliance suite for cryptocurrency firms aims to tackle the rising threat against the sector, offering AML technology that verifies client identity, checks for any previous financial mismanagement through credit screening and PEP and sanctions checks, and offers ongoing monitoring.

Illicit addresses sent nearly $23.8bn worth of cryptocurrency in 2022, a 68.0% increase over 2021

Chainalysis Crypto Crime Report 2023

Our crypto compliance suite

Neglecting to meet AML regulations can have detrimental consequences including financial and reputational loss. That’s why we designed a range of AML and KYC products to give your firm greater peace of mind when taking on new clients.

Identity check

When you use our identity check, we will run a search of your client’s identity documents across a broad range of data sources to confirm they are who they say they are. Within seconds, you can get accurate and up-to-date information about your new hires, slashing time needed for onboarding, and streamlining the process for better customer satisfaction.

These sources include: 

  • Full electoral role
  • Departure and mortality registers
  • Birth index registers
Veriphy identity check Compliance technology for insurers SME

PEP and sanctions

Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and sanctions checks are key aspects to incorporate into any AML compliance process, ensuring due diligence by gaining proof of who your clients really are.

With our PEP and Sanctions screening and monitoring tool, you will receive instant results about your clients, so you can get down to business quicker.

Compliance solutions for crypto

Speed up client onboarding with API integration

Our range of solutions for cryptocurrency firms have been designed with optimal protection and compliance in mind, to help you slash client onboarding time significantly.  

When you choose Veriphy, our team of expert consultants will find the best, most seamless way to integrate our products with your existing platform, so all your compliance processes are in one place.

Compliance solutions for crypto